Privacy Policy

Terms of Use:

The information on this site is supplied in good faith and The Friends of St Hubert’s Idsworth make no representation as to its accuracy or content. This service is provided free and The Friends of St Hubert’s Idsworth are not liable, so far as law permits, for any expenses or losses including any special, incidental, consequential or similar damage or loss which directly or indirectly arise as a result of using the site or the information available on it.

The site is hosted on a server in England and any disputes will be settled in England according to English Law.


The contents of the site are Copyright © The Friends of St Hubert’s Idsworth unless otherwise stated and any unauthorised use, publication or reproduction is prohibited.


If you choose to contact us we may use your details to reply directly to you, but we will not use your details for any other purpose nor will we sell or pass on your details to third parties. This site does not use cookies and we do not provide you with customised content.


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